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Royal Highland Show 2024

EPIC shared important outbreak research and prevention measures with policymakers and farmers at The Royal Highland Show in June 2024

EPIC staff attended The Royal Highland Show (RHS) from Thursday 20 to Sunday 23 June to network, share important research and gather further data from policymakers and livestock farmers. 

Farmer discussion groups: Sheep disease control measures on Lewis and Harris

The first morning of the RHS launched with 15 farmers and Scottish Government representatives joining EPIC led discussion groups about sheep scab and roundworm prevention. 

Concerned about sheep scab in their flocks, one sheep keeper expressed that they were glad for the opportunity to learn about, and ask questions directly to experts who have witnessed preventative measures, including dipping and testing in Lewis and Harris.

Scottish Government Event: Safeguarding the Health of Scotland’s Farmed and Natural Ecosystem

Day two of the RHS saw Dr. Davide Pagnossin, EPIC Research Fellow, speak at a consortium event in the Scottish Government marquee about preparations for a potential African swine fever (ASF) outbreak. 

Over 60 policymakers, farmers and other guests learned that through modelling and surveillance of pig movements, along with effective public engagement about the personal imports of meat into Great Britain, everyone can help to keep ASF out of Scotland.

Reaffirming the importance of collaboration among the centres of expertise, the joint event also included speakers from Sefari Gateway and Plant Health Centre.

EPIC stand: BTV Survey and September Poultry Registration

The EPIC stand at the SAOS/EID building displayed posters all weekend, focused on bluetongue virus (BTV) concerns, and avian influenza (AI) control measures including poultry registration legislation which comes into force on 1 September 2024.

Due to the Animal and Plant Health Agency confirming a very high probability of a new introduction of BTV into Great Britain, cattle and sheep keepers visiting EPIC’s stand were asked to complete a survey to share their views around the threat of BTV. Created by EPIC researchers from The James Hutton Institute, survey responses will help to inform policymakers in decision making about BTV. As an incentive, for each completed survey a donation of five pounds will be made to a farming charity.

If you would like to learn more, follow EPIC Scotland at X (Twitter) for updates and information about safeguarding Scotland’s livestock.

Dr. Davide Pagnossin, EPIC Research Fellow presented a talk at a consortium event in the Scottish Government marquee.
Sheep Scab discussion presenters pose for a photo in front of the EPIC stand.
Sheep Scab Discussion groups.
Audience listening to Plant Health Centre speaker in the Scottish Government marquee.
Audience listening to experts on sheep scab.