20180621 091426

RHS 2024

Royal Highland Show: Thur 20 - Sun 24 June 2023 at Ingliston in Edinburgh

The Royal Highland Show returns Thur 20 - Sun 24 June 2023 at Ingliston in Edinburgh. We are joining SAOS at their building on the main ring opposite the grandstand. Come and join us to meet our researchers, find out more about the consortium through a selection of poster displays and events. 

  • Reflections on sheep disease control measures on Lewis and Harris
  • BTV Survey: Share your understanding and perspective on Bluetongue Virus
  • Understanding backyard poultry keepers’ attitudes to changes in poultry registration legislation
  • Raising awareness on the changes to bird registration legislation coming into force on 1st September 2024
Outside Stand

Outside Stand

Inside Stand

Inside Stand